Selected Poems by Pablo Neruda

All of the English translations here are from City Lights' The Essential Neruda, which includes the original Spanish and English translations of 50 of Neruda's most beloved and important poems. Find out more about the book here, or how to make a tax-deductible donation to support the film and receive a copy of the book as a thank you gift here.

“Poema 15” de Veinte Poemas de Amor

“Poem 15” from Twenty Love Poems

“Explico algunas cosas” de Residencia en la Tierra

“I Explain Some Things” from Residence on Earth

“Soneto 17” de Cien Sonetos de Amor

“Sonnet 17” from One Hundred Love Sonnets

“La United Fruit Co.” de Canto General

“The United Fruit Co.” from Canto General

“Poema 20” de Veinte Poemas de Amor

“Poem 20” from Twenty Love Poems